Sunday, June 14, 2009


"Mama blue stripe shirt on."

"Uh-oh rabbit under table eat blueberry."

"Bubba Mike run push big stroller."

"Brown white dog walk downhill man."

"Airplane up sky clouds move."

"Gunner Lena upstairs sleep bed."

Django can be shy, and wary, out in the world at large, but when he's not -- either not feeling that way, or not out in the world at large -- he is a non-stop narrator. You wanna know what's going on? You don't even have to ask. He'll just tell you.

It's great, and I mean, REALLY great to have moved beyond some of the single-subject perseverating. In fact, if I never hear Django say "garage door" again, I will not complain. I have heard those two words more than enough for one lifetime. But the thing I quickly realized about this new level of communication is that it requires a whole new level of response.

Somehow it just doesn't work the same to say, "You're right! That's exactly what that is," in response to "Django up chair type Mama computer," or "Django eat vitamin candy now." It's also a little bit embarrassing when he starts making certain requests of anyone who walks in the house, like, "Andi turn on Elmo TV, Cookie Monster TV. Andi on Ernie TV please."

Django already loves to talk about pitos (our word for penises) and poop. And he's quick to repeat for you all the sentences he's heard that start with the word "No." But here's his newest line, the one he used all morning long, following me around, intermittently hugging whatever part of me he could reach. The one that will no doubt be my undoing on more than one future occasion...

"Django love Mama."


1 comment:

J-Gun said...

he's gifted, that's all there is too it!

and thank god you identified what that stuffed toy was in the video...because I was trying to figure it out!

i can't wait until he says: "beer me now"