Yesterday was the first official day of summer vacation. We went to the cafe for breakfast, the YMCA for exercise, the playground for fun, the bed for a nap, the front sidewalk to wash the car (with kitchen sponges) -- and then I looked at my watch. Only 2p...Working was MUCH easier.
I spent my last workday twiddling my thumbs, though. Tedra had done so much to pack-up the classroom I had barely 2 hours worth of honest work to do, and yet 6 hours in which to pretend to do it. I tried to go above and beyond, but made it to about adequate. Then I fantasized about going shopping for new clothes as a lunch "break," but ended up going home for a shower and a bowl of cold beets instead. The whole time I felt a little like a was playing hooky and a lot like I'd forgotten what it was like to be alone...and duty-free.
Django's my anchor, and my hot air balloon. He's a chore, and an adventure. A comfort, and a challenge. A hoot, and a hassle. A thrill, and a bore. He's everything I wanted, and more than I expected. Every day I'm excited to greet him in the morning -- okay, usually about an hour after he's excited to greet me -- and to see/hear what new thing he'll be into this day. But I've got a twitch, a niggle, a yellow light blinking at me from somewhere deep down. A warning, I think. The ghost of single-parenthood, perhaps (especially my kind.) He's still just a baby now, but I know he's not supposed to be the center of my universe forever. Yet, I'm already having trouble with idea of letting go. Or, maybe just finding the right ways to hold on.
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