Thursday, January 1, 2009


Inspired by the "12 Days of Christmas" I decided to make a 9-part resolution this year...Be it hereby resolved, in 2009, I will (at least):

- Bake 9 different types of healthy muffins

- Commit 8 random acts of kindness

- Send 7, handwritten, snail-mail letters to friends

- Drink 6 glasses of water every day

- Exercise at the gym 5 times each month

- Find 4 (hopefully wonderful) men for 4 (hopefully wonderful) dates

- Dote on each of my 3 rabbits for 3 minutes a day

- Read 2 books that have over 200 pages each

- Get back to Djournaling for Django an average of 1x each week, so he will continue to know all I can find time to tell him about these first precious years of his life that he won't otherwise stand a chance of remembering on his own.

How about you? What is/are your resolution(s)?


Unknown said...

man oh man those bottom teeth look like sharp trouble!

so, i really don't do resolutions... i just kind of like to visualize things for me throughout the year. for example, my visualization these days is the company/organization that i would like to get a job with.

Unknown said...

oh...but i did just notice that you're post say nothing about more posting more videos to the blog.

so...i propose an amendment to #4:
4b - video each date (as mentioned in 4) and post to blog for others amusement.