I'd been thinking all Django's new signing and talking over the last month or so was getting pretty impressive, but when I finally sat and wrote it all down, it completely blew my mind. Here are the lists I made.
THINGS HE KNOWS & SAYS WITH TOTAL ACCURACY: eye, hi, knee, baby, bubble, mama, in, on, wow, whoa, yeah, home, meow, boom, earring,ow (as in hurt), "o" (as in the cereal that's o-shaped)
THINGS HE KNOWS, SAYS & ALSO SIGNS/GESTURES: hot, cheese, milk, done, down, go, bye teeth, toe, shoe, nose, hair, ear, eat, juice, yogurt, play, time, kick, bus, please, hop, more, swing, bath, grapes, straw, hat, cow, dog, duck, tree, ball, change, up, water, apple, cookie, berry, egg, noodle, bounce, dance, spoon, stomp, bad, fish, car/driving, rabbit, orange (as in the food)
THINGS HE KNOWS & TRIES TO SAY BUT DOESN'T SIGN: key, door, tongue, stroller, help, open, off, tv, towel, drop, banana, kitty, diaper, out, block, sock, book, dig, boat, dump, kiwi, avocado, bucket, money, Tedra, Max, Honey, Alfie, Sug
THINGS HE SIGNS/GESTURES/MAKES SOUNDS FOR BUT DOESN'T SAY: cook, frog, bird, monkey, vacuum, train, clean, heater, phone
I'm fully aware that I understand all these things he communicates because I spend most of my days trying really hard to figure out what he's saying when he says it, but I swear to you that you don't have to be fluent in Djanguage to understand that this kid knows what's what about a LOT of stuff.
Heaven help us all when he actually starts being able to repeat exactly what I say, because I know I did not stop cussing near soon enough!
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