Sunday, September 7, 2008


The stomach flu has been behind us for a few days, but there must have been another germ waiting in the wings because Django, Max -- and myself, I'm afraid -- all seem to be plagued by a cold. I'm telling you, by the time these boys actually reach school age, they will be tough as nails, never sick again, for having already met & vanquished every school-harbored germ there is. That's what I'm telling myself today, anyway, to avoid calling Kaiser to see about having my little one fitted for a plastic bubble.

Through it all, Django has been his usual cheery & charming self -- as you may have already noticed in the photos from the previous post. He hardly looks under the weather. This morning he took the role of playful-sick-kid to new heights. While I went grumpily about the chores, he decided to be extra giggly and goofy at my feet. In the first video, you can see how he started chasing the vacuum as I moved it around the rug. In the second one, you can see that while I washed the breakfast dishes he found his own place to splash.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so cute!
the camera just loves him...he just might be a big screen star one day.
more vids, more vids, yippy for video!