Saturday, September 6, 2008


The school year has just begun, and yet it already feels like the days are coiling tightly upon themselves in a spiral, one after another.
Django & Max spent much of the first couple weeks of school with the stomach flu. Yup: two baby boys, two fevers, two vomiters, two diarrhea-filled diapers for nine days straight. If that isn’t hazing, I don’t know what is.

Oh, and Tedra & I both got flat tires from running over nails/bolts in different parts of town, too…At least it was just me who ended up with $60 parking ticket for exceeding the 2-hour neighborhood parking restrictions around school. Ugh.

Nowadays the time that I might’ve spent blogging about my current swamp emotions is eaten up by planning & prepping Language Arts lessons for 4th graders. Soon, I’m sure, a rhythm will be established, and there will be time for more than just the minimum. Not today, though, not today.

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