Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Pit Crew

In her book Operating Instructions, Anne Lamott talks a lot about her pit crew. Just to be sure readers understand what it means to be 'pit crew' for a fellow human being, she tenderly illustrates the idea by analogy to the Special Olympics event she attends every year. She explains that each competitor is assigned a helper, someone who picks them up, points them back in the right direction, and makes sure they cross the finish line -- no matter how many times they might wander off, sit down in the dirt, start to take their clothes off, or fall into tears during the course of the race. Over the last few weeks, I've been especially grateful for my helpers. As much as working full-time has been wearing me down, my pit crew has been propping me up. Special thanks this month to Cori & Milo, who meet us at Wine & Whiners Wednesdays and don't mind if 'we' chew on their calves every now and again. Also to Elizabeth for getting us out there on our first Bay to Breakers run, hopefully to become an annual family tradition. To MDN for always sharing his new toys. To Greenberg for taking me out for my first night without the baby, and to Brad & Joey for babysitting to make that possible. And last, but absolutely not least, to Aunt Jenny for coming to visit and doubling the love for 24 hours. I can't wait for summer vacation. Ten more work days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dj is so photogenic! Next time you come to LA we'll find him a agent and get him some gigs...never too early to start the college fund - because if he's anything like his mother i'm sure just one degree won't be enough!