Until recently, not only did it seem reasonably manageable to be a single parent but sometimes even easier than having a partner to worry about, negotiate with, try not to scapegoat. In the last couple of weeks, however, I've discovered two things you really don't want to be handling on your own, if you can at all avoid it: 1) loading and unloading the car from a 10-day road trip; and 2) going back to work full-time.
We ended up having a fantastic time on the road visiting Nana, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Steve plus The Cousins on the Central Coast, as well as Poppa & Laura in Bakersfield. Laura took us on a special trip to the local wildflowers and Toys-R-Us -- evidence of both pictured here. Uncle Jon drove up from L.A. for a rendezvous, too. But since our return a week ago, I've been careening between depressively exhausted and maniacally preoccupied. I'm not due back at work until 5/1/08, but the idea of leaving my little fella with a stranger for 9.5 hours a day -- nice as that stranger may be -- is looming large and ugly in my mind.
The boy, I'm pleased to report, isn't anguished in the least (yet.) He's happy and healthy, and charming the pants off everyone he meets. Dr. Bojorquez said he was "perfect" at our 4-month checkup. Since our 2-month checkup he had gained just over 4 lbs to weigh in at a hefty 15 lbs 12 oz, and had grown 3.5 inches to a total length of 26 inches. His head's expanding. Brain, too, I'm willing to bet. His eyes twinkle at everything around him. You can tell, he just can't wait to be able to propel himself on all sorts of more in-depth explorations of the world. Lately, he's been arching his back like crazy. And just yesterday, after MUCH effort, I witnessed him using this move to help turn himself over, from back to belly, for the first time.
Now, if only I were so focused, determined and productive.
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