After our first sour-milk disaster with the bottle, I was worried Django would have a lingering negative impression of the thing. But, as you can see above, he's over it. He likes the bottle just fine, especially if he gets to hold it and I'm sitting nearby. We're still working on his skills at taking the bottle from other people. In fact, if any of you are in the neighborhood and would like to give him some practice, stop on by.
The other thing(s) he really likes to hold these days are his feet. Every time I turn around he's found a new way to grab at them. The other day he wouldn't even let me attach the toy tray to his Bebe Pod, as you can see. He was too busy twinkling his own toes.
Even though we've been keeping a full activity card -- cruising Costco again with Dragovich, lunching afterward with Gaitley, dining at Universal Cafe with Jen & Monique, playing infant-vision research subject at the Smith-Kettlewell lab, registering our new car at the DMV, enjoying a sunny afternoon at the Botanical Garden with Charly & Lera, whooping it up with a gang of moms & little ones at Vega's, eating Indian Pizza with Andi (after she babysat while I went to yoga!!), watching the fog roll in over a picnic dinner in the park with MDN, joining the Stonestown YMCA, visiting Joannie at City Hall, and sipping wine with John & Sachiko at Vino Rosso -- I still find time to worry about having to leave my little man and return to work full-time for 6 weeks. It's like a constant static in my brain, messes with my reception all day long. As soon as I can be clear and articulate about why it's so troubling, I certainly will. Until then, you'll probably find more photos and less words from me here.
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