But every now and again, I have the distinct impression I'm actually catching a glimpse of some raw talent, some unique perspective Django has on the world. I have given up (for the moment) trying to explain the more elaborate things he says that give me this feeling. Instead, I offer to you this small collection of photos he's taken all by himself. And when I say "all by himself," I really mean all by himself -- no coaching, no cajoling, no here-let-me-hold-the-camera-while-you-push-the-button. All Django, all the way.
I'd be very interested to hear what these photos say to you.
I think he loves his momma -- and contrasting colors. I think the reason Joel's head is not in the first picture is because Django pushed the camera down when he pushed the shutter button -- and that he really wanted Joel's head in the pix. Also, I think Django has an older half sister, who is already a TV star (of sorts) at the following link:
These are surprisingly well composed and sophisticated pictures. Is there an "after-preschool job" in his future? Kudos, in particular, for that REALLY unflattering picture of Mommy at the end (which is one small step towards payback for the horrible ones of me she routinely displays).
xox, Nana
I think that one with the BL can in it makes me want a beer.
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