-- Erin Smith Calendar, March 2010
Dear Hiring Committee:
My name is Kara Daillak. As you will see from my resume, I have been teaching elementary school for the past 8 years, primarily in the San Francisco Unified School District. I am currently working at Sanchez Elementary – where I’ve spent 5 of my 8 years in the field – in a .5 FTE position as a Literacy Specialist. Unfortunately, continued funding for this position is not available next school year. I am now seeking new employment because my family obligations leave me unable to work the additional "Dream School" hours required by the 1.0 FTE positions that are available at Sanchez for the 2010-2011 school year. I will be sad to leave Sanchez at the end of 2009-2010. Yet, I have seen and heard of so many wonderful schools around the State, I am excited to have the chance to become part of another community of dedicated, invigorated and forward-thinking educators at a different site.
Though I currently hold only a Multiple Subject credential with CLAD emphasis, I am interested in a wide range of teaching positions from .5 - 1.0 FTE, and from PreK – 12th, both within and outside the classroom, in regular public schools as well as alternative. I believe I have all of the organizational skills, instructional experience, inherent resourcefulness and enthusiasm necessary to make an excellent teacher in any of these contexts. I am also willing to seek whatever additional certification might be necessary for any position I believe suits my strengths and motivations.
In my mind, what is most important as I contemplate this change in professional venue is exactly what was most important to me when I went back to school to earn my teaching credential after a 5-year career in employment law. I want to continue to be directly and personally engaged in work that has a positive impact on society – work that makes me feel challenged but also hopeful and successful – together with a group of people energized by that same goal. I know there are dozens of school sites that might provide me with this kind of opportunity. I hope yours is the one.
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
Thank you, in advance, for considering my application,
Kara Daillak
I should also probably explain that I am the only-parent to an almost 2.5 year old boy who is – without a doubt – the most delightful person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. And I would move heaven & earth, go anywhere, do anything, present any rough edge of mine to you as if it were completely polished, in order to secure employment that would allow me to spend at least half of my usual workweek 'working' for him. He's that important. Way more important than any job. Ever. Except that I need a regular job, of course, to be able to provide for him, to take him places like Chicago in the middle of winter, and buy him 'essential' things like pretend rabbit ears for playing, rainbow cupcake ingredients for baking, hooded sweaters for evening hikes, doll strollers for racing, dinners out (unfortunately including ones where he might end up chipping more teeth,) and stroller rain covers for fogging with warm breath. Still, I promise you, I make a GREAT employee -- except or unless, my mind is on other things, like the loss of my beloved pet rabbit or some weird dreams I had while I really wasn't sleeping or whether the dvds from the library are overdue already. So you should feel totally confident about hiring me. Really. Please?

1 comment:
I would hire you in a heart beat!
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