One of the many benefits of life in the big city is the ever-present opportunity for a nice 'ground score' -- i.e., a precious and/or valuable item cast lazily but graciously right out onto the sidewalk by its former owner-appreciator for someone else to find.
These days you can manufacture the experience by combing the "Free" section of craigslist's classifieds. But you'll never get the same high of serendipity as when you ground score the old fashioned way. Just ask Bubba Mike. He recently scored a Dickies hoodie for Django, and I'm willing to bet he's going to be talking about the excitement of it for as long as it takes Django to grow into it. For his part, Django received the spoils of Bubba MIke's great fortune with equal enthusiasm. He demanded to put it on, refused to take it off, crawled right onto the couch, pulled a blanket onto his legs, and settled cozily into watching baseball on tv.
1 comment:
did you delouse it before he put it on?
and baseball!!!!???? oh man, the one sport that i think is 2 innings too long and at times has made me want to poke out my eyes!
yet, i have had a lot of fun at a few ball games and usually it was the company and the fact that my beer was always full!
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