Last weekend Cousin Marin, Aunt Jenny & Nana came to the Bay Area, because Cousin Marin really wanted to see Frank Warren's Post Secret exhibit at the Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek -- and really, really, wanted to see Django, of course. A wonderful time was had by all. Cousin Marin got to see the exhibit, and us. Nana completely avoided having to parallel park her car in the city. Aunt Jenny got to sleep in a little, which is incredibly rare. I had all my meals paid for. And Django was the center of attention, as well as showered in gifts and sweet treats. Oh, wait...that's not so unusual.
Anyway, Cousin Marin took a bejillion amazing photographs with her fancy digital camera -- of us plus intriguing bits & pieces of the city. My triptych here of Django high-fiving Nana at the gallery is just standing-in until such time as Cousin Marin emails me better photo-memories of the weekend.
It's been so nice to see so much of family this month. But it's reminded me that I'm really not a "grown-up" yet. I used to think I would be when I lived away from home. Then I thought I would be when I didn't live in a dorm. Next I thought for sure it would happen once I lived alone. After that I decided it wouldn't really be true until I no longer needed to use a laundromat. Finally, I thought it did happen when I moved into an apartment with laundry AND heat. Now I realize there are at least 2 more steps to the ladder: comfortable couches and a guest bedroom. I'm sure everyone who's sat or attempted to sleep on my couches would wholeheartedly agree.
on the couches: completely agree! oh, let me say that again and louder - COMPLETELY AGREE!
on feeling like a grown-up: hmmm...i don't think it will ever fully happen (to any of us)...for it is how our family works. example...when you lost your phone recently. now that is a story to write down and retell Dj.
ps - yeah, i want to see the pics Marin took! glad to see the photography gene is still alive in the family!
pps - completely off topic, but the word verification that i have to enter to complete this post is: butchit
(now that is funny)
I want to see Marin's pictures too. It's Spring break. Maybe there's hope. Read "The Middle Years" by Kelly Corrigan. I'm not a grown up yet either and I'm 60. I'm still someone's child thank God.
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