Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Much as I love this baby -- and man, oh man, do I love this baby -- I must admit I've been dreading the learning-to-feed-yourself-with-utensils phase. It's not that I keep such an incredibly tidy house/toddler at mealtime as is, keeping the spoon in my own hand. It's more that (both of us) spending at least a few hours in something without food on it is my stronghold on the day. Like making the bed and vacuuming the rug, it seems to ward off depression and other demons. So, much as Django's been clamoring to give the spoon a try, I couldn't quite hand it over -- till I found the perfect food for practice: fluffy vanilla yogurt from Trader Joe's. I can wipe fluffy vanilla yogurt off anything, including my sometimes troubled mind. And he can't get enough of the stuff. I think we're both well on our way to the next milestone. (BTW, this video is from last night, the night of his first attempts.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i want some yogurt now...he made it look good!