Nana bears the brunt of the Family Road Trip (FRT,) because it’s at her house that we unpack the rabbits and the frog – Django & I always travel alone from there. But even though I limit the number of treats she can give the rabbits each day, and even though the fumes from their litter boxes being confined in one small room almost knock her out when she approaches to give them those treats, and even though she has to climb over a gate and back to refill hay racks, spread fresh litter, and mist the frog’s terrarium daily, she does it because she loves us. She only complained when I hastily threw dirty baby diapers in her dryer to avoid them mildewing before I’d planned on washing them next. And she probably wouldn’t have even complained about that if I’d remembered to throw in a sheet of fabric softener, too.
Nana always makes/takes us out to great meals, illegally downloads interesting movies for us to watch, and delights in all the boy’s newest tricks. This trip she tickled him to giggles him with Lambikin-the-fuzzy-hand-puppet, kept him mesmerized for hours with a Fisher-Price activity table from years gone by, and introduced him to (con)‘tainers, spatulas, and lightly-sugared peaches & nectarines. Plus, she has 3 cats and a dog wandering around the house, birds flocking to a bird feeder, and coyotes howling at the moon outside. Really, what more could you want in a grandma?
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