Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lovely Day

Django is 6 months old today. He weighs 19.5 lbs., is almost 28 in. long -- and I have laughed and smiled more since he’s been born than probably in the last 10 years combined. Now I get it. That’s why people have kids. Forget the idea of posterity, evolution, divine will, the whole notion of family – the bottom line is, it’s fun. And the kind of joy it brings you is the kind that trumps pretty much every other of life’s annoyances.

For example, Friday morning Django managed to pee in his own mouth while I was changing him on the changing table. I doubled-over with laughter. It was hilarious. I went on to be late to work, forget my breast-pump parts, leave my coffee sitting at home when I went back to retrieve my breast-pump parts, and drop my cinnamon roll in the crosswalk. That was all before arriving at work. The work day didn’t get much better, either. But all day, my mind kept wandering back to Django’s earlier antics, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Every time he makes a big toothless grin while he has food all over his face, every time his eyes light up when I come around to take him out of the car seat, every time he wraps his little limbs around me like a koala holding onto a eucalyptus tree, every time I wake up and he’s nose to nose with me and babbling happily, every time he giggles at the rabbits tickling him with their whiskers… every time I think about him – I feel warm and happy. I feel bathed in love.

But Bill Withers said it before me, and said it best: ...I know it's going to be, a Lovely Day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Half-Birthdays ROCK! And I should know...I think I celebrated mine for some 15 years.

I'm so lucky to share a half-birthday month with Dj!