We started this week with a really exciting triumph -- our first fun run!
Django had not been loving last weeks trials in the fancy jogging stroller. I didn't want to mention it here because the thought of him hating exercise was just too frightening to utter. So I was quite relieved when we had such a lovely time with MDN & friends on Saturday during the 25th Annual Run for the Seals (to benefit the Marine Mammal Center) in the Marin Headlands. It was a gorgeous day out there, and Dj was all snuggled in his little fleecey bag, reclining under the yellow shade of the stroller. He complained for about the first and last 2 minutes of the course, but the middle 36 minutes he was happily napping. And it only took me those three, prior, completely miserable jogging experiences to realize his head had been bouncing in between two hard plastic buckles with every step I took. Duh. Sorry, baby.
We went to Zeitgeist's patio to celebrate after the fun run. I was thrilled to learn we could be there, together, since it's one of my favorite places to drink, eat & people watch in San Francisco, especially on a sunny day. As you can tell, Django was all tuckered out from the run, too. I don't think I'd ever noticed the "BIKES.BABES.BEER" sign above the door, or at least not with double entendre attached.
The rest of the week I was a bad photographer. I didn't manage to get any pictures of Django meeting 7-month old Lera on our walk around Stow Lake with Charly, Magarita & Nona on Sunday. Didn't snap any of Joannie & Luna loving on Dj while making us dinner at their *new* (to me, since I think they've lived there 3 years) townhouse in downtown Oakland on Monday. Got no shots of he and 11-month old Zoe, when she and Tori came over to play on Tuesday. None of our Bernal Babies Gang that meets for Wednesday Wine & Whiners Hour at Vino Rosso, the neighborhood wine bar. Missed all the great ones at Book Club on Thursday, too, when Rebecca, Jessica and Jeanna took turns fawning all over him -- you should've seen him flirt! Likewise, no cute photos of Dj meeting my old friend Chris Ho on Friday, or volunteering at the SPCA with the bunny rabbits on Saturday. I did try to get a good shot of him on Julian's lap at their St. Patty's Day party as Saskya and Kate were singing and dancing for him, but I have to admit I didn't do such a great job.
There's always next week...Nana & Cousin Marin are here visiting now. Maybe we'll be able to make some Kodak memories together.
um... more video please. see what you can do is just start the video when you arrive someplace (or have Marin do it) and take up the whole one hour memory and then edit down the video into little snips.
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