They say it takes a village to raise a child -- or, in my case, sometimes even to get pregnant. I don't know about the WHOLE village, but it definitely takes at least one Super-Nana and a dozen other Super-Friends & Family. Django & I are lucky enough to have just such people in our world.
My mom (Super-Nana) took care of us 24/7 for the first 8 weeks, except for the week my dad (Super Poppa) and stepmom (Super-Laura) took the reigns. My sister (Super-Aunt-Jenny) was always there for a spontaneous visit, or a theraputic phone consultation -- and her kids (the Super-Cousins) just heaped us with love & affection. And as already noted, my brother (Super-Jon) got us a kickass video camera for capturing the most exciting moments.
Since we've been home in the Bay Area, Super Mike Nelson has cleaned our house, fixed our dryer duct and taken us to a Super Bowl Party. Super Elizabeth has made us one gourmet meal at her house, and then another one along with Super Michael Greenberg here at ours! Super Andi fed us lunch and let us admire her amazing Point Richmond view for an afternoon. Super Judy Rummelsburg invited us out to dine at her house in Martinez and then sent us back with a ready-to-bake lasagna. Super Mike Dragovitch took us shopping at Costco. Super Brad spontaneously dropped by while in the neighborhood and walked the baby around the apartment so I could finish the dishes. Super Julian & Jill offered us lots of comforting parenting advice over a glass of wine. Super Jeanna & Ale cooked us a fantastic meal, and even bounced the baby so I could eat with more than one hand!
Unfortunately, I didn't remember to pull out the camera and snap photos of everyone, so here are just a few. But the truth is, I couldn't be being a good mom to this beautiful little man without you all. So thanks & love, on this here eve of Valentine's Day, from the big, beating fullness of my heart.
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