Ok, this is one for the history books. I think Django may be the youngest participant in a political roundtable, ever. It wasn't on an issue before the Neighborhood Association or the City Council or even the State Assembly. Nope. He started straight at the top, with none other than 2008 Democratic Presidential-hopeful, Barack Obama. I got to go along for the ride, of course.
We first had an opportunity to greet Obama privately. (That's when Obama won my vote by kissing Django on the forehead and knowing of his namesake, Django Reinhardt.) But then we spent 45+ minutes asking and answering questions about Obama's policy initiative in front of a gazillion news cameras and reporters. There were a few Obama staffers and some Secret Service agents in the room, too, but the event itself was closed to the public. I swear, I have never looked down the barrel of so many lenses in my entire life. I didn't really think much about how I looked or sounded at the time, because I was too busy thinking about when Dj might perk up from his position wrapped against my chest and start putting in his 2 cents. He cleared his throat and certainly considered it a few times, but a concerted bit of rocking and bouncing worked to keep him mostly quiet. [Of note: they gave me a hand held microphone, instead of a lapel one, no doubt because they were afraid of the tough questions Dj might ask about why the government isn't helping him figure out how to use his hands, and who's responsible for the build up of gas in his belly?]
We missed most of the after-event media frenzy, because we had to sit right down and nurse as soon as the thing was over. But, boy, was it a morning to remember. You can find links to various bits and pieces of our performance online. Here are an early few, found by MDN and Tori – thanks, you two!
If you happen to be more interested the policy issue than our 45 minutes of fame, you can read more about it and download Obama's policy statement at http://www.mothersmovement.org/features/07/12/w-f_proposals_intro.html
1 comment:
What a great event for you two! Ah, why wait? Breastfeed during the roundtable event, if Dj is hungry, that is what matters most and all the pro breastfeeding groups would have loved to make you even more famous for it. Maybe Hillary will you give that opportunity at a future event. ;) xo, Tori
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