Sunday, July 27, 2008

FRT Part #2: Firsts at Poppa & Laura's in LW

The last time Django & I were at Poppa & Laura’s, Django’s experience was still limited to what he could sense from the womb. This trip he made his first naked wade into the Pacific Ocean, yanked on his first yellow jacaranda tree, pulled up all by himself on his first coffee table, and ate at his first really excellent strip mall restaurant.

Poppa & Laura were well-prepared for our visit. They’d gathered a big box of exciting toys, scrubbed the tapioca off a borrowed travel high chair and had a borrowed stroller at the ready, too. They were perfectly equipped for our impromptu trip to the beach, as well – grass mats, an umbrella, hats, sandals, sunscreen, and even quarters for the hungry Laguna Beach parking meters. I don’t think they quite anticipated our snottiness, related sleeplessness, and our need for driving directions to the nearest Kaiser, though through it all they were the most gracious of hosts.

I can’t say the same of myself as a guest… One night in particular, I paced the apartment from 1a- 5a like Goldilocks, moving from this chair, to that couch, then to the other recliner and back with Django attached to me at various angles and volumes of (un)rest. At that point, I could only hope Poppa & Laura remembered to pack noise cancellation headphones for themselves. Since I was precariously balanced at the edge of sanity at the time, myself, it could well be that each creak of the bedspring wasn’t really so shrill, each whir of the air conditioner didn’t sound like a jet engine, each consecutive wail of the unhappy baby wasn’t driving spikes of pain into their temples.

I tried not to pay attention to the time as it dragged on, but once an hour, every hour, the Christmas clock with the Snowcouple on it that Laura couldn't bear to put back in the Holiday box would tick and threaten to chime a cheery, O Tannenbaum, or some other incongruous tune. When Django wouldn't let me sit or recline, I'd inevitably find myself standing and rocking at the sliding glass door, staring out at the landscape in the moonshine. Earlier the warmth outside was thick and wet, more like Hawaii than I remembered Laguna Woods. Somewhere in my mind's eye I could still see Django on the veranda in Laura's arms giggling as she tickled little green jacaranda leaves against his skin, and startling as a hummingbird darted past…Those are the moments to savor, drop by drop.

The sleepless hours of fussing and squirming, moaning and complaining, were not so delicious. I certainly couldn’t and didn’t blame Django for his condition. He was trying so hard to get air through that little nose of his. If he found even a small breathing passageway for more than a minute or so he'd drop off to sleep, completely limp-limbed with exhaustion, only to wake with a shriek when it clogged again. And, yet, every time he woke and wailed I bumped up against my wit's end. I was trying really hard to keep Django from crying so as not to wake the Poppa & Laura or the neighbors, but I was also keenly aware of my urge to find a neighbor, any neighbor, who might already be awake, so I could hand the boy over and walk off into the sunrise alone…Those are the moments that leave ugly stretch marks on your soul.

Later that morning, Poppa & Laura took the Django for a long walk. He napped peacefully in the stroller for almost two hours. While they were gone, I took a shower and a number of very deep, though snivelly, breaths. The world looked completely different –and better – after that. And believe it or not, during the daylight hours, we were all able to enjoy our visit very much.

Monday, July 21, 2008

FRT Part #1 : Poor Nana

Nana bears the brunt of the Family Road Trip (FRT,) because it’s at her house that we unpack the rabbits and the frog – Django & I always travel alone from there. But even though I limit the number of treats she can give the rabbits each day, and even though the fumes from their litter boxes being confined in one small room almost knock her out when she approaches to give them those treats, and even though she has to climb over a gate and back to refill hay racks, spread fresh litter, and mist the frog’s terrarium daily, she does it because she loves us. She only complained when I hastily threw dirty baby diapers in her dryer to avoid them mildewing before I’d planned on washing them next. And she probably wouldn’t have even complained about that if I’d remembered to throw in a sheet of fabric softener, too.

Nana always makes/takes us out to great meals, illegally downloads interesting movies for us to watch, and delights in all the boy’s newest tricks. This trip she tickled him to giggles him with Lambikin-the-fuzzy-hand-puppet, kept him mesmerized for hours with a Fisher-Price activity table from years gone by, and introduced him to (con)‘tainers, spatulas, and lightly-sugared peaches & nectarines. Plus, she has 3 cats and a dog wandering around the house, birds flocking to a bird feeder, and coyotes howling at the moon outside. Really, what more could you want in a grandma?

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Call it a happy coincidence if you like, but our first night back home in SF after our family road trip was the first night in 2 weeks that Django didn’t sound like a snoring Archie Bunker all night long and wake up every 20 minutes complaining to me about how his nose wasn’t cooperating with the whole respiration idea...Ah, such sweet relief… Obviously, this means we had some hard nights on the road, but also some wonderful days. Too many wonderful days to squeeze into describing in one blog post, so I’m going to aim to do it in 3-4 over the course of this week.

First, a little background information. When I say “family road trip” I mean family, as in who was doing the traveling (Honeybun Rabbit, Sugarpie Rabbit, Alfie Rabbit, Prince Charming Tree Frog, Boy Django & Mama me) as well as where we were road-tripping (to Nana’s in Atascadero, Poppa & Laura’s in Laguna Woods, Uncle Jon & Tad’s in L.A., and Aunt Jenny’s & Uncle Steve’s in Los Osos.)

This was our second time on a similar visitation circuit, and I’m pleased to report that the packing and unpacking went much more smoothly this time. Still, wouldn’t have been a bad time to have a husband in the mix. Note to self: another business idea, Rent-A-Husband.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Other Headline News

Fierce pitbull-sharpei mix 'attacks' baby with tongue on Fourth of July, 2008. Baby lives to tell.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

Independence Day. It sounds so American.

Ok, I do realize these sorts of events are celebrated in other parts of the world, but there’s really not much more quintessentially ‘American’ in my mind than the eagerness to collectively, nationally, gloat. Don’t get me wrong, the ugliness of the idea didn’t stop me from spending the better part of a bbq trying to get a good shot of my little guy in someone else’s stars & stripes hat. Oh, I can tell I’m in for a whole host of future philosophical line dances of this nature. You know, the kind where you try to maintain your political position, all the while trying simultaneously to convince everyone that you're eating your hat with shameless flair, just for fun.

I’ve already conceded in plenty of areas I thought my stance was quite firm: cheap plastic toys made in who-cares-where, all manner of drive-thrus, remote car-door-locks, and for that matter, cars, in general. I’m just now preparing myself for: toddler leashes, donuts, and kiddie dvds. I think my mom & dad, bless their hearts, have been expectantly awaiting these falls from righteousness. I imagine them wringing their hands with some glee as they read this, exclaiming aloud: “See, I told you it’s hard being a parent. Now you understand!”

Fair enough. But here’s my one remaining line of defense: I’m STILL using non-disposable diapers. And, yes, I expect to be able to wash them in your machines when I come to visit next week. So there.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


There are too many things on my mind these days. So much so that I can't settle down on a topic and write. (Probably due to a recent extra lack of sleep caused by a rough patch of low milk supply and tons of baby snot.) This week, I'm just going to caption...Django is up on all fours and/or just his bottom twos at every opportunity, and will complain loud & clear if not given enough of those opportunities...He loves gumming bagels and getting naked...He's learning to do teacher-style read-alouds (upside down books only so far)...And last weekend he got to meet his cutey-cute-cute half-sister, Sabine, but got distracted in the photo opp by the baby of a stranger (yup, a complete stranger, no idea why, don't even ask) who was trying to take away his favorite 'toy,' my wallet.